Pastoral Counselling

DEAR FRIAR RICK: I got married two years ago with a 46-year-old widower who has a 16-year-old daughter. I am 42. This man lived for a time shortly after his wife’s death with a woman who...

May 02 2016 | by

DEAR FRIAR RICK: My wife has a passion for horoscopes, and even if she will never admit to it I know that she often consults a psychic reader. She is also very superstitious: she never walks...

March 11 2016 | by

DEAR FRIAR RICK: I have noticed that in the last few years more and more Catholic media outlets are broadcasting or posting on the web recordings of rosary prayers, novenas and other types of...

February 25 2016 | by

DEAR FRIAR RICK: I am increasingly worried by Islamic terror. I am also deeply saddened that so many Christians are being persecuted, not only in the Middle East, but in North Korea, Somalia and...

January 07 2016 | by

DEAR FRIAR RICK: I have heard that Pope Francis, during the Year of Mercy, has revived the old and antiquated practice of indulgences. What is an indulgence? And what is the tradition based on?...

December 23 2015 | by
