DEAR FRIAR RICK: I have been married for a year after almost four years of engagement. I have to say that I love my husband very much, but after tying the knot a few negative sides of his...
DEAR FRIAR RICK: I am a long-standing subscriber to the Messenger, and I always read your column, which offers valuable advice to your readers, with great interest.
DEAR FRIAR RICK: I got married two years ago with a 46-year-old widower who has a 16-year-old daughter. I am 42. This man lived for a time shortly after his wife’s death with a woman who...
DEAR FRIAR RICK: My wife has a passion for horoscopes, and even if she will never admit to it I know that she often consults a psychic reader. She is also very superstitious: she never walks...
DEAR FRIAR RICK: I have noticed that in the last few years more and more Catholic media outlets are broadcasting or posting on the web recordings of rosary prayers, novenas and other types of...