Cover feature

With our technologically-focused lives we need to remind ourselves of things that don’t need to be plugged in; here are ten great reasons to be outdoors

July 09 2017 | by

On the occasion of the centenary of the first apparition of the Holy Mother at Cova da Iria, Pope Francis makes a pilgrimage to one of the most famous Marian Shrines

May 15 2017 | by

Each one of us needs to be close to the Eucharist, which is “not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak”

April 07 2017 | by

Scorsese’s latest movie is a challenging study of faith put to the test in 17th century Japan, and a powerful reminder that actions speak louder than words

March 03 2017 | by

Patrick D’Rozario, Archbishop of Dhaka, has become the first Bangladeshi cardinal in the history of the Church; our friars interviewed him in Padua just before he received the red hat in Rome

February 10 2017 | by

The number of deaths by euthanasia in the Netherlands has soared by 50 percent in the last five years, Cardinal Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht, is fighting against this practice; our journalist talked to him

January 09 2017 | by
