Cover feature

Spiritual simplicity implies cutting back on attitudes which are unhealthy, negative, divisive and toxic to ourselves and others; here are six ways of doing so

July 19 2020 | by

As we celebrate the 800th anniversary of Anthony’s Franciscan vocation, our author explores the complexity of the Saint’s human experience

June 06 2020 | by

Young Catholic economists are meeting in Assisi this month to give birth to a new economy that will promote a more equitable and sustainable way of living

March 03 2020 | by

An English bishop has taken Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Sì very much to heart, spearheading a number of ecological initiatives in his own diocese

February 24 2020 | by

The director of a celebrated film on St Anthony talks with our editor about his Catholic faith and his latest film on St Leopold Mandić

January 12 2020 | by

Christmas presents to us the birth of the Savior as the light which pierces and dispels the deepest darkness

December 24 2019 | by
