Saint Anthony's Charities

Through your generosity, dear readers, the people of Nyabihanga in Burundi were able to build a primary school and a brighter future for their children

September 26 2022 | by

The suffering in Ukraine continues, yet your generosity, dear readers, is already providing some comfort to the country’s beleaguered population

June 06 2022 | by

A new dormitory at St. Lucy Mission Primary School in Olesentu, Kenya, is protecting young girls from abuse and sexual harassment

May 16 2022 | by

Your generosity, dear readers, continues unabated, and last year we reached the periphery of the peripheries, where even the smallest help is of vital significance

April 01 2022 | by

Your generosity has enabled the completion of a high school in Panzi, Bukavu, in the DR of the Congo, much to the gratitude of the people there

March 21 2022 | by

A new maternity clinic funded by the readers of this magazine has improved the delivery conditions of women in the Centre-Est region of Burkina Faso

February 28 2022 | by
